301 LEE LN HUNTLAND TN 37345-3033 USA Inquiry@iptmogov.org

Transfer of Shares Services

Rebrand With Confidence
& Let Us Handle Your
Company Name Change

At IPTMOGOV, our team of experienced professionals will
take care of all the legal paperwork and ensure that your
company name change is completed quickly and efficiently,
leaving you free to focus on the future of your business.

Change of Company Name Service

A change of company name refers to a change in a company’s legal registered name at Companies House. It is a formal procedure which only becomes official once Companies House approves the change and issues a name change certificate called a Certificate of Incorporation on Change of Name.

Are you considering a change of your company's name but don't know where to start? Look no further than IPTMOGOV reliable Change of Company Name Service! We understand that rebranding your business can be a daunting process, but with our expert guidance and support, we'll make it simple and hassle-free. Our team of experienced professionals will take care of all the legal paperwork and ensure that your company name change is completed quickly and efficiently, leaving you free to focus on the future of your business. With our help, you can upgrade your company's image, attract new customers, and build a stronger brand identity. Don't wait any longer - contact us today to find out how we can help you make a successful company name change!

Partnerships and LLPs

How does this service work?

  • ✔Get a custom quote for 'Company Name Change Service' from our experts. Make the required payment and then provide us with the details.
  • ✔We will send you digital documents in 1-2 working days by email for signature.
  • ✔Once you have confirmed via email that the documents have been signed, we will submit your name change application (form NM01) electronically to Companies House.
  • ✔The name change should be approved within 48 hours.
  • ✔You will then receive a name change Certificate by email.

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What is the company
name change process?

There are two stages to a company name change. The first part is the decision to submit a name change application to Companies House. This is made by the company’s members passing a special resolution, although it can sometimes come from a decision by the directors. The second stage is the submission of the name change application to Companies House. Only when Companies House approves the name change, and issues a name change certificate does the change become official.

Full Company Secretary Service

A professional company secretary to
take care of your business.


VAT Registration Service

Trusted company that offers VAT
registration services in the UK.


Frequently Asked Questions!

Anybody introducing a new brand identity or planning on offering newly branded services or products should take the necessary steps to protect their trademark.

The answer to this question will differ from agency to agency and based on staffing changes and enhanced technologies at the United States Patent and Trademark Office. If you’re asking us specifically, you can count on the entire application process to take from 08 to 12 months.

It can take up to 10 years. Also, the registration can easily be renewed so long as you have made sure to maintain an uninterrupted use of your trademark in interstate commerce.

If you have a federally registered trademark, you will be able to use the ® symbol. For every other mark, whether unregistered or registered, you will not be required to add a designation. However, we always advise mark owners to attach the ‘SM’ or ‘TM’ symbol to tell the industry that your company name, logo, or symbol is proprietary to your services or goods.

We always tell our clients that we aren’t ‘oddsmakers’. In other words, you get exactly what you pay for. Our teams are skilled in improving the likelihood of your success. They perform clearance to search for similar trademarks before sending out an application and picking a highly distinctive mark.

We Help Drive Your Innovations in The Fast Lane. Complete Your Trademark Registration in Just 3 Simple Steps.

  • Submit Your Trademark Information: Spend a couple of minutes filling out a simple questionnaire. This will initiate your registration process for your trademark.
  • Select Your Service & Make the Payment: Get all the details in order! Select your coveted service with IPTMOGOV & make the payment for your desired services.
  • Thorough Evaluation & Trademark Filing: To ensure that your trademark is completely unique, our team conducts a thorough trademark search across numerous databases and then files your trademark with USPTO.

Get In Touch

301 LEE LN HUNTLAND TN 37345-3033 USA


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